We continue to be represented by Daphne McNeil on the Environment Collaboration Group and Daphne has participated in three activities initiated by organisations belonging to this Group.Sustainable Seas Trust.

The Sustainable Seas Trust (SST) is producing a book about Bushman’s and Kariega estuary management care. The purpose of the book is to develop caring communities who know, understand and promote the estuaries. The vision for the book is to see involvement from all people caring for the environment with information and photographs contributed by all sectors of the community. As such SST encourages members of the public to share their knowledge and photographs about Bushman’s and Kariega estuaries by sending materials to info@sst.org.za or to drop in at the SST Offices, 1st Floor Threeways Centre to share your contribution/s. *
We are pleased to report that we have contributed to funding the initial investigation for the book.

On 14 November approximately 20 children from Klipfontein Primary School and Alexander High School participated in a clean-up along the banks of the Bushman’s River organised by the Sustainable Seas Trust. Initially the children were to walk to Kwaaihoek but this plan was abandoned because of an extremely strong westerly wind. The walk started at the Bushman’s River car park with the children collecting rubbish all the way up to the bridge. In all six bags of rubbish were collected by an enthusiastic group of children.

Sustainable Seas Trust hosted the Holiday Club during the October school holidays. The aim of the programme is to teach children about the beauty of nature and ecosystems and protection of the environment. They learn about pollution and recycling both at the beach and rivers as well as in interactive class room activities. This year they recycled various items to create crafts, and were given digital cameras to take photos of marine life. They also visited the Amatola Water Board where they listened to a talk on conserving water. A good time was had by all and our thanks go to Daphne for participating in all the activities on behalf of Estuary Care.

Estuary care provided marshalling support for this year’s Rhino Run. Thanks to Daphne and her volunteers for flying our flag!