Estuary care

news & articles

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Reports from Special Dune Public Meeting

Following our special Dune meeting on the 23rd of December, please find the below reports: CES Presentation Nov DEC '24 PRDW first report with highlights The Dune presentation...

Estuary Care December 2024 Newsletter

Highlights Message from our Chairperson (Chester Wilmot) Upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 18th December Estuary Water Test Results & Preventing Estuary Contamination Westbourne Road / Dry Bones Valley Sand Dune Dispute General Projects – Jetties,...

River Safety

Ensuring that our beautiful rivers remain safe and enjoyable for everyone.

Notice of special general meeting

It has come to our notice that Estuary Care is not registered with SARS to have donations we receive treated as deductions from the taxable income of donors.

Dune update April 2024

Estuary Care convened a meeting recently with representatives of MER, the Marine Environmental Engineers, their dune expert Andrew Mather and representatives of Ndlambe and BRRAG to confirm the terms of reference for the study.

March 2024 Newsletter

The past few months have been largely spent in planning and building an organisation that covers as much of the responsibility that our name suggests.

November Newsletter 2023

In this newsletter: Message from our chairperson, Boesmans Slipway & Rubble Clearing, Tow Paths & Clearing Invasive Alien Plants, so much more.....

Dune report

To inform our community and stakeholders of activities (Phase 1) undertaken by Ndlambe on the Kenton sand dune...

Storm Damage September ‘23

The residents of our communities woke up to wide scale destruction and damage following storm surges and gale force winds over the weekend of the 15th September.

A word from Alan

In the ever-changing landscape of the natural world, human interaction has always been a double-edged sword – creating challenges for the environment whilst equally striving to secure a better future for the future.

Annual General Meeting 2022

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 22 December at 10:00 at the Kenton Bowling Club, Recreation Road. We are very pleased that Dr Amber-Robyn Childs will address the meeting on her research into tracking the movements of dusky kob both in estuaries...

Brace yourselves swimmers

Eastern Cape climate warning as Agulhas current drifts off Thank you Mike Loewe and DispatchLIVE for kind permission to include this article in our Newsletter. Weird upwellings of frigid water between East London and Port Alfred are affecting local climate, says...

Signs (including estuary signage) and Tow Paths

Members of the Estuary Care Committee are out and about making sure that our signs are up to date, the tow paths for which we are responsible are in good order and as usual picking up litter.Here is Dennis Dallas checking along the east bank of the Boesmans...

Estuary Care membership

We cannot survive without the support of members and of donors who contributed so generously towards the funds needed to continue the work of Estuary Care.

Signage regarding Pipefish

Estuary Care has once again been involved in working alongside Dr Louw Claassens, a Science Officer and Researcher from the Palau National Marine Sanctuary and her team, in designing appropriate signage regarding Pipefish that are found in both our Boesmans and Kariega Estuaries.

Appeal to stop buying bait from informal vendors

One of the consequences of the Covid Lockdown and resulting unemployment crisis has been a significant escalation in the number of subsistence fisherman using both the Boesmans and Kariega Estuaries on a daily basis.

Plastic pollution

The article below which gives background to the ‘Towards Zero Plastics to the Seas of Africa’ conference is informative and thought provoking. Thank you Dr Tony Ribbink of Sustainable Seas Trust.

Estuary Care Committee members have been busy!

A new bench at the Kariega carpark and repairs to the fenceNick Albrightson has installed a new bench at the Kariega carpark and he and his team repaired the white fence polesIn February Dave Curran and his team, Siyanda Ngqina, Alex Jokana and Oscar Zulu...

Boesmans Estuary after 2021 New Year’s Eve

Sadly, we found litter, including broken bottles on the Boesmans Estuary the morning after the crowds had gathered on New Year’s Eve to socialise and watch the sunset.  To add insult to injury we noted one of our Estuary Care caps.

Critically Endangered Estuarine Pipefish

Many of you might recall the fascinating, informative and compelling article (including beautiful photos) written by Dr Louw Claassens on the findings of their research into the Critically Endangered Pipefish which are found in the Kariega and Boesmans estuaries. ...

AGM 2021

We are privileged to have Dr Angus Paterson speak at our AGM: Date:  Wednesday 23 DecemberTime:  10:00Venue:  Kenton Tennis ClubTopic:  New technology for a new era – Marine science in SA for the next decade Dr Paterson is the Director of the South African...

Estuaries – Safety, Rules, Certificates and Permits

To all the users of Kariega and Boesmans Estuaries, whether local, visitors and/or holiday makers. By adhering to the rules around safety and etiquette you are helping us help you. Safety – South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA)CertificatesEach and every...


Estuary Care has organised the placement of a few benches recently and two are on order for December. Ted Gilfillan has helped with the application for another one to be placed at the Kariega Car Park. The benches are made from recycled plastic and are provided...

Signs in both Estuaries

In preparation for the December holiday season and expected influx of boat users, Kevin Riddin, Ken Rogers and Dave Curran recently ‘refreshed’ channel marker signs in both estuaries.

Plastic never goes away – literally

These photos were taken after collecting plastic from only three building sites in a small area of Kenton over two weeks.   It appears that plastic from building sites does not get recycled.  It is simply disposed of with builders’ rubble only to blow away and end...

A threat to the ocean

In 2020 alone, 1.6 billion disposable masks entered the ocean. This is equivalent to 7% of the size of the Great Garbage Plastic Patch and may take over 450 years to biodegrade.  At this rate, there risks being more masks than jellyfish in the ocean. COVID-19 has...

Membership subscriptions 2022

The Estuary Care Committee would like to send out a plea to all recipients of the newsletter to pay their annual subscription fees and to also encourage all other people they know who enjoy the Kariega and Boesmans Estuaries to join and pay their annual fee. The...

Update from our Chairman

We begin the June 2021 newsletter with an important update from our Chairman, Stuart Clarkson. Dear Estuary Care Members and Friends In our last newsletter I reported on our ongoing efforts to secure a sustainable and low risk solution to the ongoing accretion of...

Algoa Bay declared Whale Heritage Site

Congratulations to everyone involved in ensuring that Algoa Bay in South Africa is declared a prestigious Whale Heritage Site Lloyd Edwards, owner of Raggy Charters said ‘becoming a Whale Heritage Site will ensure that visitors to the Algoa Bay marine area are...

Lewis Pugh Foundation

Our September 2018 Estuary Care Newsletter featured an article on Lewis Pugh. He had completed what he called The Long Swim which was from Land’s End in Cornwall to Dover in Kent to raise awareness about the health of the worlds oceans.  Read it hereA recent...

Channel Markers & Rock Marker

Dave Curran (top), with the help of Don Thomson (bottom) repaired and replaced a number of channel markers in the Kariega Estuary earlier this year.They also replaced the rock marker, which Dave had made, in the Kariega Estuary.Dave and his team install rocks...

June 2021 photos

Boesmans Estuary Courtesy of Rob BoydGiant Kingfisher photographed at Boesmans Estuary Courtesy Ted MossGiant Kingfisher photographed at Boesmans Estuary Courtesy Ted MossMiddle Beach low tide  Courtesy Colin Milliken Middle Beach low tide Courtesy Colin...

Channel Markers

In January Dave Curran with the help of Don Thompson and their team set out to replace various channel markers in both estuaries.  Dave also made a replacement rock marker which was installed in the Kariega...

Repair of the Kenton Jetty

As was reported in the previous newsletter the Kariega Slipway Jetty broke loose in a storm and was retrieved by an Estuary Care team. After a covid interrupted process Chester Wilmot, Nick Albrightson and Dennis Dallas completed an extensive repair and...

A huge ball of plastic

A huge ball of plastic was found above the high tide mark between Middle and Main Beaches.  It probably washed ashore but we were determined it would not be washed back into the sea.  Our Chairman Stuart came to the rescue and removed...

Memorial Benches

Over the years Estuary Care has assisted members of the public with the purchase and placement of benches in memory of loved people (or pets!) or simply as a replacement for an existing municipal bench which has become worn or broken down. The procedure to be...

Seagrass: Essential underwater meadows

An article by Nina de Villiers Nina is part of Dr Louw Claassens’ team researching the status of the Estuarine Pipefish in the Boesmans and Kariega Estuaries. She has written a fascinating article on Seagrass: essential underwater meadows. and the importance of...

Membership subscriptions

The Estuary Care Committee would like to send out a plea to all recipients of the newsletter to pay their annual subscription fees and to also encourage all other people they know who enjoy the Kariega and Boesmans Estuaries to join and pay their annual fee.

Animals in distress?

What should you do if you find a penguin/seabird/seal/turtle in distress on the beach?  Thank you to the NRSI for allowing us to link to their newsletter. 

Who lives here?

This very neat hole in the sand was found near the Boesmans slipway.  The surrounding area was covered with small, very neat uniform balls of sand which look like pebbles.

Plastic & Recycling

The 18 September 2020 was National Recycling Day.   Thank you to Business Day for the two articles which appeared in their 18 September 2020 edition. We believe that every day should be Recycling Day and we invite members of our communities to pick up and dispose...

An unusual and elusive visitor to Kenton-on-Sea

In late June and July hippo tracks were found on Kenton Main Beach.  Below: These photos were taken by Mel Arnott on 29 June. It’s not known where it came from or where it went but tracks were once again spotted by Nina Beaufort on 27 July (images...

The Kariega Jetty washed upstream

Dave Curran says: ‘In late August a westerly wind driven storm resulted in a strong surge tide in the Kariega Estuary with a consequence being that the slipway jetty broke clean off its mountings. The jetty was found beached on the inland side of the road bridge....

Boat Licences & Buoy Applications

Mr Willem Nel, the Ndlambe Environmental Law Officer has asked us to share the following information. All queries should be directed to Mr Nel. Boat licenses are due and have been since the 1st July 2020 for the new financial year 2020-2021. The licenses are...

Conserving the Critically Endangered Estuarine pipefish

Dr Louw Claassens and her team came back to Kenton in March 2020 (before lockdown) for a follow up visit on their research into estuarine pipefish found in the Kenton and Boesmans Estuaries.  Louw sent the following report. Conserving the Critically Endangered...

A message from Ted

Ted Gilfillan, with his wife Rem by his side, has steered the Boesmans Kariega Estuary Care Management Forum (Estuary Care) for many years. He is stepping down as chairman and we are very pleased that he remains on the Committee as Treasurer. Ted was a dedicated...

Welcome to our new chairman

Our new Chairman is Stuart Clarkson. Stuart comes to us from a background in business. He is passionate about the environment and the well-being of our estuaries and strip of coastline. Stuart grew up in Johannesburg and attended King Edward VII School before going...

Minutes from our 2019 AGM

Our AGM on the 30 December 2019 was well attended. We were privileged to listen to a riveting presentation, which included superb slides, on Conserving the Critically Endangered Pipefish by Dr Louw Claassens, Programme Director of the Knysna Basin Project. Visit...

Exploring our Estuaries – Book launch

Exploring our Estuaries: a book for residents and visitors toKenton on Sea & Boesmansriviermond..The launch of the ‘Estuaries Book’ on 16 December 2019 was a happy occasion and a great success.  In fact, it appears that many people thought the book would make...

Certificates of Recognition

Dave Curran continues to coordinate the team of volunteers who transport members of the Department of Environment, Forestry & Fisheries (DEFF) on inspection trips up both estuaries. Thank you to Andile Maki of the Department for arranging that Certificates of...


Please join us for our Annual General Meeting Date: Monday 30th DecemberTime: 10:00Venue: Kenton Town Hall Guest speaker: Dr Louw Claassens, Programme Director: Knysna Basin Project Topic: Conserving the Critically Endangered Estuarine PipefishDr Claassens and a...

Exploring our Estuaries – the book

Exploring our Estuaries: a book for residents and visitors to Kenton on Sea & Boesmansriviermond. This is the cover of our book about the Kariega and Boesmans estuaries. Please join us for the launch of the book at the House Planner on Monday 16th December 2019...

Marcella (Shelley) Marinelli’s Plaque at Shelly Bay

You might recall that Marcella Marinelli’s plaque above Shelly Bay was relocated last year. As a follow up our Chairman, Ted Gilfillan who is a committee member of the Bushman’s Kariega Trust (BKT) reports that: ‘The committee of the Bushman’s Kariega Trust first...

High Seas & Resultant Damage

Due to a gale force westerly wind which coincided with the high spring tide on 30th October, Kenton and Boesmans experienced exceptionally high seas and storm surges.Thank you Lydia Palmer for the above videos The seawalls along Middle Beach were severely damaged...

Some of our ongoing activities

Dave Curran continues to coordinate the team of volunteers who transport members of the Department of Environment, Forestry & Fisheries (DEFF) on inspection trips up both estuaries.  Unfortunately, DEFF wardens are not available during December because of other...

A few reminders for the holiday season

It is the time of year again when Kenton and Boesmans fill up with visitors and both estuaries are put to maximum use. Please be aware of and abide by the rules for using a boat on the estuaries.  Make sure you have the relevant licenses and are aware of the...

To leave or to pick up

There is endless, often heated debate about dog faeces on the beach and in and around our estuaries. We hear ‘leave it, its biodegradable’, ’just bury it’, ‘throw it into the sea or estuary….’. Then there’s the debate on whether it should be covered in sand and...

Biodegradable and/or compostable plastic solutions

Annabé Pretorius of Plastix 911 says; The easiest is to look at the environmental message on the bag – the environmental claim.  If they are genuinely biodegradable, it will have reference to any of the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) or EU...

Hot off the press:

Remember the nurdle spill in Durban Harbour in 2017. Click here to read "What is a Nurdle"Thank you to the Sunday Times for allowing us to repost this article.  (To view a larger copy of the below article, please click...

The Critically Endangered Estuarine Pipefish

Dr Louw Claassens is the Programme Director for the Knysna Basin Project, a small NGO based in Knysna. (  She approached Estuary Care for possible assistance in conducting research into the critically endangered estuarine pipefish...

Boat licences and buoys

The below information is for all boat owners who use the Boesmans and Kariega Estuaries and particularly to those people who secure their boats to buoys in either of the estuaries. Willem Nel (Environmental Law Officer, Ndlambe Municipality) says: Boat licences are...

Differences between Recyclable / Compostable / Biodegradable

What are the differences betweenRecyclable / Compostable / Biodegradable?Recyclable Recyclable or recycling are the most common buzz words out of the three. What it means is that if an item is recyclable it is broken down and repurposed to form something else. It...

Plastic: Reduce, Re-use and Recycle

On 13 March 2019 at the ProPak Conference at Nasrec, Johannesburg, Executive Director of Plastics SA, Anton Hanekom delivered a speech titled ‘Replacing plastics: blessing or curse?’. He said that the plastic industry is as disgusted at plastic pollution as the...

The Reality: What we see

The Reality: What we seeIt is difficult not become emotionally involved when one sees the plethora of information, and horrendous pictures of the damage litter, particularly plastic, is doing to our planet. There is nowhere on earth that plastic hasn’t had a...

Locals taking action

Kenton Ratepayers Association advises on the status of the recycling initiative in Kenton/Boesmans.  Read hereLocal residents should take their recycling to the iWars site in the Boesmans industrial area. Noshipo advises that polystyrene, newspapers and ‘coloured...

Three feel good stories

Johannesburg’s very first plastic-free grocery store (, is helping South Africans fill their pantries, while addressing the plastic pollution crisis... Read more here The first-ever commercial flight to produce no landfill waste took to the...

The wall at Middle Beach

Recent very heavy rains caused a large wash-away at the upper Middle Beach parking area. After each downpour it got worse and was becoming a possible danger to the public. With financial assistance from Ndlambe Municipality Nick Albrightson from Estuary Care has...

Another rescue

On the 22 March two boys found a juvenile Cape Gannet near Main Beach. It was incredibly tame which was a worry because there were a number of dogs on the beach. Estuary Care was contacted. With the help of our lifesavers Arnaldo and Siya they managed to gently...

Minutes: 2018 Annual General Meeting

The meeting was very well attended with 130 members and visitors present. The Chairman Ted Gilfillan opened the meeting by extending a warm welcome to all members and visitors. Apologies: Audrey Barnard, Tom Lawless, James Trubshaw, Verity Hawarden, Peter O’Connor,...

Amendment to the Constitution

You will have read in our AGM minutes that approval was given to change our Constitution to reflect the name of our organization from Bushman’s Kariega Estuary Care Management Forum to Boesmans Kariega Estuary Care Management Forum.  This...

Amatola Water

Chris Nair delivered a presentation on the Sustainability of the Bulk Water Supply to the Kenton on Sea and Boesmans areas. The presentation covered the background on the role of Amatola Water in the provision of bulk water supply to the area, the challenges in...

Clean up of the Boesmans Estuary

Doran Herringer and his team of volunteers undertook a clean-up of the Boesmans estuary on Sunday 30 December 2018 sponsored by The Sandbar Floating Restaurant and The Diner on the Square Restaurant. Doran reports that ‘Alan Louw's barge was used with...

The story of Pengi

On the morning of 7th January 2019, a small very tired penguin was found off Middle Beach Kenton on Sea. Tired but still plucky trying to snap at any finger nearby. After a few calls the penguin chick was on its way and by 11h00 it was safe at Sanccob in Port...

What caused these wounds?

On the 28th January 2019 at 06:00 Deon Nel, a visitor from Pretoria staying with the Crandons, was swimming in the waves between Middle and Main Beach. Whilst wading through the waves amongst the regular Wave Warriors, he felt something attach itself around his...

AGM 2018

Estuary Care ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (Please join us) Date Saturday 22nd December Time 10:00 Venue Kenton Town Hall  Guest Speaker Mr Chris Nair - TOPIC:   Amatola Water: Bulk Operations & Sustainability of Water Delivery Service to the Albany Coast Following...