The Kariega Estuary clean-up planned for World Oceans Day on the 8 June was postponed due to inclement weather. It took place on Thursday 15 June. Ncumisa Mzaza, SST’s Education Officer reported that:
‘To celebrate our oceans for World Ocean Day, SST and Sibuya took 20 children from Ikamvalesizwe Combined Schools in Kenton-on-Sea on a fun educational boat trip. The look on the children faces when the boats took off was priceless. Halfway through the trip to one of Sibuya’s camps they started singing with excitement. They listened attentively as SST and Sibuya personnel gave a talk about “Littering, how it impacts on our lovely environment and what can be done to help the environment”. Lunch was served and the clean-up started, 22 bags of trash were picked up. Thanks to Sibuya for sponsoring the day’.